PCC projects awarded almost £18 million

The Home Secretary has announced the projects endorsed by police and crime commissioners that are to receive Early Intervention Youth Fund support. 

Nov 12, 2018
By Neil Root

Twenty-nine projects in total designed to divert children and young people away from violent crime will receive £17.7 million over two years. 

The projects are targeted at safeguarding those at risk of exploitation by gangs and County Lines, and to put those who have already offended back on to the right path. 

The Home Secretary Sajid Javid said: “As well as taking immediate action to curb knife crime, we need a longer-term approach to prevent our young people from getting drawn into a life of crime in the first place. 

“That is why early intervention, alongside tough law enforcement, is at the heart of our Serious Violence Strategy. 

“This money will fund a range of projects that focus on diverting vulnerable youngsters and those who have already offended away from crime.” 

Last month the new Youth Endowment Fund was also announced, providing £200 million over ten years, as part of the 61 commitments made in the Serious Violence Strategy. 

The London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime has had ten projects awarded funding, with South Yorkshire receiving support for two projects. 

Single projects have been awarded in Norfolk, Sussex, Avon & Somerset, Merseyside, Essex, Humberside, the West Midlands, Northamptonshire, Suffolk, Greater Manchester, Cleveland, Devon & Cornwall, Northumbria, Hampshire, Thames Valley, Wales, and West Yorkshire. 

The amount of funding for each project varies depending on scope and demographics. 

Mark Burns-Williamson, PCC for West Yorkshire said: “Working closely with West Yorkshire Police, Community Safety Partnerships and a range of other partners, the money will enable us to deliver a programme of early intervention projects, with the aim of preventing serious violence in the county.” 

Dame Vera Baird QC, PCC for Northumbria said: “I am delighted that this bid has been successful and will bring over £370,000 to Northumbria – money which will be invested right across Tyne and Wear and Northumberland. Here in our region, we are committed to ensuring we continue to do everything possible to prevent young people getting drawn in to violent crime, this funding will further support our partnership work.”  

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