West Midlands to become third region to merge PCC/mayoral roles

The West Midlands police and crime commissioner (PCC) role is set to be scrapped in 2020 and taken on by the regional mayor, it has been confirmed.

Nov 23, 2017

The West Midlands police and crime commissioner (PCC) role is set to be scrapped in 2020 and taken on by the regional mayor, it has been confirmed. The decision was included in the detailed breakdown of the second devolution deal for the region, confirmed on Wednesday (November 22) when Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered his Budget. This deal will provide the mayor and the West Midlands Combined Authority with extra funding towards housing, homelessness, skills and high-technology investment in the region. West Midlands will become the third local authority in the UK after London and Greater Manchester to combine the mayor and PCC roles into one single elected figure. Conservative Andy Street was elected as the region’s mayor in 2017 and his term of office ends in May 2020. The West Midlands Combined Authority is currently working with PCC David Jamieson on a detailed governance model and a legislative timetable for combining the two roles. Mr Jamieson said: “The Mayor has been working closely with me on many issues. “We have committed to starting a project in the new year to ensure policing in the West Midlands maintains strong democratic leadership, preserves the operational independence of the chief constable, whilst also ensuring clear lines of accountability. “It is important we don’t revert to a model akin to the old-style committee system of the police authority. “The public of the West Midlands want to be reassured that the powers of the mayor are sufficient to take on the role of the PCC.” Mr Street added: “The mayor and police and crime commissioner roles will be combined from 2020. The mayors of New York, London and Manchester are already police commissioners in their cities – we will now be doing it as well.”

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