West Midlands Police appoints new deputy chief constable

West Midlands Police has confirmed the appointment of Scott Green as deputy chief constable following “a rigorous selection process”.

Jan 26, 2023
By Paul Jacques
Scott Green

Mr Green, who is currently an assistant chief constable at Greater Manchester Police, is expected to take up the position in spring.

Chief Constable Craig Guildford said: “I am delighted that Scott Green will be joining West Midlands Police as deputy chief constable. He will bring a wealth of experience to the role and I am looking forward to working with him to provide an outstanding local policing service for our communities.”

Mr Green said he was “delighted” to accept the position of deputy chief constable, adding: “I am looking forward to working with the talented team at West Midlands Police to improve our service for people across the region and make communities safer.”

West Midlands police and crime commissioner, Simon Foster added: “I’d like to welcome Scott Green to the West Midlands.

“His experience in policing will, I’m sure, prove invaluable.

“I look forward to working with the chief constable and his new deputy chief constable as we continue to rebuild community policing and drive down crime.”

Mr Green will take over from the current Deputy Chief Constable Vanessa Jardine, who is leaving to take up the position of chief constable of Northumbria Police.

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