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In this week’s edition the president of the PSAEW, Gavin Thomas, questions the independence of the Police Remuneration and Review Body if it recommends a pay rise of just one per cent this year, Policing and Fire Minister Nick Hurd hints at extra funding “for investment in policing in 2018/19” and recognises individual officers’ suffering after seven years of pay restraint. He also predicted “rationalisation”; a timely estimation as Dorset Police and Devon and Cornwall Police announced potential plans for a merger two days later. There is lots more news and features including a look at the increase in gambling addiction and how it links with offending, Mike Barton explains how Durham Constabulary’s systems allow officers to take control of issues reserved for centralised units, Dr Ian Hesketh and Dr Noreen Tehrani examine the psychological effects on officers who respond to traumatic incidents, and we also have the latest court decisions from Criminal Law Week.

Sep 7, 2017

In this week’s edition the president of the Police Superintendents’ Association of England and Wales, Gavin Thomas, questions the independence of the Police Remuneration and Review Body if it recommends a pay rise of just one per cent this year, Policing and Fire Minister Nick Hurd hints at extra funding “for investment in policing in 2018/19” and recognises individual officers’ suffering after seven years of pay restraint. He also predicted “rationalisation”; a timely estimation as Dorset Police and Devon and Cornwall Police announced potential plans for a merger two days later. There is lots more news and features including: Chance consequences? Gambling leads to debt and anger, which then results in violence and offending, according to those recently convicted. Police Professional looks at the rise in addiction and ways people end up involved in crime. Managing stress In the first in a series of articles exploring the challenges in dealing with stress and trauma on the front line, Dr Ian Hesketh and Dr Noreen Tehrani examine the psychological risks faced by the officers and staff who provide a first response to incidents and events. Spotlight The need for effective digital evidence management. IT on its head Chief Constable Mike Barton talks to Police Professional about how Durham Constabulary’s systems, developed internally, are allowing local officers to get involved in specialist areas and take control of issues previously reserved for centralised units. Criminal Law Week Round-up of new developments regarding offences, police powers and the rules of procedure and evidence. To view the edition click here

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