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In this week’s edition we have news of Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s pledge to limit the sale of acid to those over 18 as she unveils the new Serious Violence Strategy, a third investigation has been launched as Police Scotland Chief Constable Phil Gormley faces another bullying allegation, Essex PCC Roger Hirst takes over as the UK’s first police, fire and crime commissioner and PACSci EMC has designed ‘NightHawk’, a spike strip designed to stop vehicles without officers injuring themselves. There is lots more news and features including a look into new approaches when tackling hate crime against those with disabilities, research into why some individuals do not contact the authorities when terror concerns are raised and what can be done to overcome this, and Dr Ian Hesketh and Dr Noreen Tehrani examine the psychological trauma of responding to major disasters and how to care for officers’ welfare in the aftermath. We also have the latest court decisions from Criminal Law Week.

Oct 4, 2017

In this week’s edition we have news of Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s pledge to limit the sale of acid to those over 18 as she unveils the new Serious Violence Strategy, a third investigation has been launched as Police Scotland Chief Constable Phil Gormley faces another bullying allegation, Essex PCC Roger Hirst officially takes over as the UK’s first police, fire and crime commissioner and PACSci EMC has designed ‘NightHawk’, a spike strip designed to stop vehicles without officers injuring themselves. There is lots more news and features including: Close calls An individual’s close friends and family will likely be the first people to notice signs that their loved one is being radicalised, but research has shown many only contact authorities as a last resort. Police Professional explores the findings and how barriers to reporting can be overcome. Disaster response In the third and final article in their series, Dr Ian Hesketh and Dr Noreen Tehrani examine the psychological trauma of responding to major disasters and how best to look after officers` welfare in the aftermath. Hate support Ahead of a week of action on hate crime, Police Professional examines recent experiences and new approaches to tackle the issue head on, particularly when disability is involved. Criminal Law Week Round-up of new developments regarding offences, police powers and the rules of procedure and evidence. To view the edition click here

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