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In this week’s edition we have news that police officer staff associations have submitted a 3.4 per cent pay claim to the PRRB, Hampshire`s Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney has offered Taser to any officer with an operational need and wants to use the device and Chief Constable Anthony Bangham was forced to issue a clarification after comments at the PFEW Roads Policing Conference were misinterpreted. There is lots more news and features including a look at the lessons learnt from the search of a landfill site for missing airman Corrie McKeague, Superintendent Matt Kennerly explains how Cumbria Constabulary is transforming to cope with demand, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Lloyd details the switch from collecting ‘Open Source’ information to create an ‘Internet Investigations and Intelligence’ capability, and we explore the take-up of technology by officers following the Police ICT conference last month. We also have the latest court decisions from Westlaw and Criminal Law Week.

Feb 7, 2018

In this week’s edition we have news that police officer staff associations have submitted a 3.4 per cent pay claim to the Police Remuneration Review Body, Hampshire`s Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney has offered Taser to any officer with an operational need and wants to use the device and Chief Constable Anthony Bangham was forced to issue a clarification after comments at the PFEW Roads Policing Conference were misinterpreted. There is lots more news and features including: OSINT to i3 Detective Chief Inspector Peter Lloyd explains how policing will move from collecting traditional ‘Open Source’ information to create a new ‘Internet Investigations and Intelligence’ capability, with the skills to match the digital age. Matrix of maturity Like all forces, technology will enable Cumbria Constabulary to transform to cope with demand, however, Superintendent Matt Kennerley explains how maturity modelling has played a part in ensuring this vision is realised. Making use of IT In the first of a series of articles on police ICT, Police Professional reports on some of the plenary discussions at last month’s Police ICT summit where the take-up of technology by officers was a main focus of attention. Searching in extremes The methodical search of a landfill site for a missing airman tested the resolve of all those involved, but should also provide immense learning in missing persons inquiries and staff welfare. Westlaw Round-up of new developments regarding offences, police powers and the rules of procedure and evidence, with commentary from Criminal Law Week. To view the edition, click here

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