Ticket machines could detect potential terrorists

A new detection system is being tested in the US which, if successful, could reduce the risk of terrorist attacks on transport systems.

Mar 23, 2006
By David Howell
Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie

A new detection system is being tested in the US which, if successful, could reduce the risk of terrorist attacks on transport systems.

The New York underground is testing a new ticket barrier system which can detect if a passenger passing through the barrier has traces of explosives on their fingers. The system has been developed by GE Security and transit systems company Cubic Corp.

Since the attacks in London on July 7, which left 56 people dead and more than 700 injured, the transit systems in all major US cities have been looking for ways to prevent a similar attack taking place.

The ticketing system incorporates what Cubic calls ‘trace detection analyzer.’ The next six weeks will see a field test of the system at Baltimore, Maryland under the review of the US Department of Homeland Security.

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