Police to meet with industry and business to tackle ATM theft

Industry leaders and representatives of businesses across the country will today (June 13) meet with senior police officers to discuss efforts to tackle the increase in ATM and cash in transit robbery.

Jun 13, 2019
By Tony Thompson
CCTV of criminals using a digger to remove an ATM from a wall.

The National Commercial Robbery Conference in Staffordshire aims to build on the strong partnerships between officers and their local businesses to better understand this crime and help companies deploy stronger security measures.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for commercial robbery, Assistant Chief Constable Sarah Boycott, will open the conference. She said: “This conference is important because it’s about the industry working together to find ways to beat commercial robbery. We will be looking at how we can design out crime and better share information between us to stay a step ahead of criminals.

“Working in partnership is key to both preventing crime and convicting criminals.”

Thefts and attempted thefts of cash machines has more than doubled since 2014, according to figures from the organisation SaferCash. They increased from less than 400 in 2014 to almost 850 in 2018. Intelligence shows criminals are using a range of methods to steal ATMs, including gas attacks, cutting them from the wall and dragging them away using industrial machinery.

Ms Boycott added: “We’re asking companies to speak to their local police officers and ask for advice on how to design out this crime. That can include additional security measures or something as simple as placing the machine in a different location.

“I also want the public to play their part and report anything suspicious to police. A heavy plant vehicle driving on rural roads at night is something officers would want to know about.”

SaferCash, the British Security Industry Association’s intelligence sharing initiative that provides advice on ATM theft to businesses, is also taking part in the conference.

Sarah Staff, head of SaferCash, said: “This is an excellent event bringing together many representatives from UK law enforcement and industry partners to discuss ATM crime and cash in transit robbery. It’s incredibly useful to be able to share best practice and highlight innovative approaches that can be used in partnership to tackle this offending.”

The conference will also hear from police forces which see a large number of these offences, the security industry, businesses which are impacted and ATM operators.

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