Police Scotland sent to wrong address 62 times

Recent figures have revealed that 191 notable incidents in which responses from the control room could impact Police Scotland’s reputation have been recorded in the past two years. 

Apr 16, 2019
By Serena Lander

Of these, 62 involved officers attending an incorrect address and 81 leading to a delay in attendance.  

The figures, for calls made between August 2017 and December 2018, were obtained by the Scottish Conservatives. 

On one occasion a missing person report was not attended, and the individual was later found dead at their home.  

However, of 3,425,123 calls Police Scotland received during this period, these incidents accounted for only 0.006 per cent. 

Police Scotland Chief Superintendent Roddy Newbigging, commander of C3 division, said: “We are committed to openness and transparency and designed our Notable Incident process to allow us to pinpoint areas where we can improve the service we offer. 

“This has been a positive piece of work which identifies where we can offer additional training, change our processes or share organisational learning with our staff.  

“These reports are also used to identify examples of good work and share best practice among officers and staff working within C3 and the rest of the organisation.” 


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