Police Scotland rolls out dual English-Gaelic logo

A force has introduced a dual language rebranding as part of its commitment to creating a “sustainable future” for Gaelic.

Sep 19, 2017

A force has introduced a dual language rebranding as part of its commitment to creating a “sustainable future” for Gaelic. All signage, stationery and vehicles as well as the website and intranet will carry both Police Scotland and Poileas Alba. The changes to “uphold tradition and support native tongues” were set out in a pledge made last December to a five-year Gaelic Language Plan, scheduled to end in 2021. Assistant Chief Constable Andrew Cowie said: “We are keen that Gaelic speaking communities across the country are well served and ably represented by the national service.” “Upholding tradition and supporting native languages is important, as is making the service as accessible as possible for members of the population who use Gaelic. “We have a keen group of Gaelic speaking officers/staff who are ably assisting in progressing these improvements.”

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