Pay rise and pandemic bonus for all Police Scotland officers

Every officer serving with Police Scotland is to receive a pay rise of £700 following the of negotiations with the Scottish Government.

Oct 25, 2021
By Tony Thompson

The rise is being applied to all ranks and will be back dated to the beginning of April this year. Officers will also receive a one-off £250 payment for work done during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In a letter to members informing them of the settlement, Calum Steele, general secretary of the Scottish Police Federation, wrote: “This agreement has been secured against a background of a very restrictive public sector pay policy and this has clearly been a limiting factor on negotiations.”

Chief Constable Iain Livingstone said: “I know the high level of commitment to public service that exists in Police Scotland and which is demonstrated across the country every minute of every day for the benefit of our communities.

“I’ve consistently underlined my thanks for the work of police officers and the support of their families, throughout the pandemic, and at all times, and it is crucial our people are properly recognised and rewarded.

“It was important that a fair and affordable pay agreement was reached and I thank the Scottish Police Federation, the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents, and all who worked together to achieve this settlement.”

Martyn Evans, chair of the Scottish Police Authority, said the settlement, which also included a one per cent increase to “all relevant allowances”, recognises “the essential and valuable role police officers play in keeping the people and communities of Scotland safe and secure”.

Justice Secretary Keith Brown added: “I am pleased that after a period of constructive discussion and negotiation, the police negotiating board has reached agreement on police officer pay for 2021/22.

“The agreements recognise the dedication and commitment of our officers, to keep all our communities safe. It also highlights the benefits of collective pay bargaining for police officers, in maintaining positive relations between the official and staff sides of the police negotiating board.”

Negotiations with trade unions over a pay deal for civilian police staff with the force are continuing but understood to be close to reaching an agreement.

The rise for Scottish officers is in sharp contrast to those in England and Wales whose pay was frozen earlier this year, leading to a breakdown in relations with the Police Negotiating Board.

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