Officer sacked after taking crime scene picture and using breathalyser outside work

A police officer has been dismissed after taking a photograph of a crime scene on his mobile phone to share and using a breathalyser without the correct permission.

Oct 16, 2017

A police officer has been dismissed after taking a photograph of a crime scene on his mobile phone to share and using a breathalyser without the correct permission. Police Constable Jon Challoner was dismissed from West Mercia Police without notice for gross misconduct following a disciplinary hearing. The force said the police constable had forwarded the image to two other identified people as well as discussing the incident via social media. The hearing did not disclose where the picture was taken. It was also claimed PC Challoner breached a written warning not to associate with a person with criminal convictions. The misconduct hearing was also told the officer was in “unauthorised personal possession” of a breath screening device, belonging to the force. It was alleged he used the device “not for a policing purpose”. The hearing, held in PC Challoner`s absence, was independently chaired by Mr Harry Ireland – legal chair of the West Midlands police and crime commissioner`s Police Misconduct Panel – and follows an investigation by West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police Professional Standards Department (PSD). Superintendent Helena Bennett, head of the West Mercia`s PSD said PC Challoner had breached the standards of professional behaviour, in particular those relating to discreditable conduct, orders and instructions, duties and responsibilities, confidentiality and honesty and integrity.

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