New tracking device for high-speed pursuits
Starchase has developed a solution that should allow police forces across the world to better manage their high speed pursuits.

Starchase has developed a solution that should allow police forces across the world to better manage their high speed pursuits.
The system uses a sticky dart that is fired from the patrol car. The dart itself once attached to the suspects car then acts as a tracking device. The pursuing officers can then monitor the car they are chasing on a computer screen.
The dart itself is about the size of a golf ball and is fired from the radiator grill of the patrol car using compressed air. The trial that has recently taken place in the US to prove the concept is being closely watched by UK forces. A spokesman for the Association of Chief Police Officers said: Any device that improves safety is always welcomed. Once we have more information we will be happy to investigate any potential benefits the device may have.