New Deputy Chief Constable for West Yorkshire Police

Russ Foster has been appointed as the new deputy chief constable of West Yorkshire Police.

Sep 13, 2019
By Tony Thompson
DCC Russ Foster

Mr Foster, who is currently serving as the force’s temporary deputy chief constable, said he was “very proud and honoured to be appointed”.

He added: “Since coming to the force five years ago. I have been impressed by the professionalism of the force’s police officers and police staff and their dedication and determination to deliver a quality of service to the public we can all be proud of.

“This is a fantastic opportunity and I look forward in supporting the chief constable in ensuring we continue to work hard with our communities and partners to reduce crime and help the most vulnerable people across West Yorkshire.”

Mr Foster has served across a number of forces in both uniform and CID at every rank. He has also undertaken roles within Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), head of the Professional Standards Directorate, head of the Serious and Organised Crime Unit and head of Corporate Services before being appointed assistant chief constable of Northamptonshire Police and subsequently transferring to West Yorkshire Police as assistant chief constable in September 2014.

At West Yorkshire Police he has held responsibility for the Specialist Crime portfolio, which includes Counter Terrorism Policing in the North East, the Regional Organised Crime Unit and Regional Scientific Support Services for forces across Yorkshire and the Humber and Protective Services Crime for West Yorkshire Police.

Chief Constable John Robins confirmed the appointment after a rigorous selection and interview process, which attracted six candidates and was supported by the College of Policing.

Mr Robins said: “I would like to congratulate Russ on his appointment. He is a very experienced officer who is a major asset to West Yorkshire Police. Policing is facing many challenges at the moment, so we are fortunate to have quality senior leaders across the chief officer team in West Yorkshire Police working to ensure that our communities are safe and feel safer.”

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