Nationwide roll-out for ‘new’ speed cameras

The latest generation of SPECS 3 digital speed cameras that can monitor drivers’ average speed are currently being tested with a view to introducing them nationwide next summer.

Oct 23, 2008
By Paul Jacques

The latest generation of SPECS 3 digital speed cameras that can monitor drivers’ average speed are currently being tested with a view to introducing them nationwide next summer.

Speeding motorists who slow down briefly or who make a detour from the main route will still be caught because up to 50 of the cameras will work together in a network.

SPECS has been used in the UK to control speeds at accident hotspots and major roadworks since 1999.

Nottingham was the first safety camera partnership to install a SPECS average speed enforcement system in 2000. Following the success of the initial trial, 48 pairs of SPECS cameras are now used in and around Nottingham, promoting speed compliance within 30mph, 40mph and 50mph speed limits on both single and dual carriageway routes.

The cameras can be positioned more than 25km (15 miles) apart and will automatically read number plates and transmit data instantly to a penalty processing centre.

Trials of the equipment in London have concluded successfully, and a second set of trials in Northern Ireland are nearing completion.

The Home Office is expected to approve the technology by the end of January.

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