MPS holds first ever conference for volunteer police officers

Almost 500 Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) special constables came together for the force’s first ever ‘Specials Conference’ held recently in London’s Docklands.

Apr 18, 2024
By Paul Jacques

Led by Special Chief Officer James Deller, discussions included the findings of a survey conducted and analysed by internationally renowned academic Dr Iain Britton that will be used to inform future planning for the MPS Special Constabulary (MSC).

The event was attended by the MPS Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley who spoke about the future direction of the organisation and how the force’s plan for reform – A New Met for London Plan – is the blueprint for change and how the MPS will achieve its mission for more trust, less crime, high standards.

The Commissioner said:  “I am in awe of what our special constables do. Policing is already such a challenging career, but to do this alongside another day job and for no payment or reward is really quite extraordinary. They give up their own time, put themselves in harm’s way and go above and beyond to make London a safer city for all.

“Specials are part of our heritage and they truly demonstrate Sir Robert Peel’s belief that the police are the public and the public are the police. They are at the heart of both our communities and our service and they continue to play a crucial role in our mission to deliver more trust, less crime and high standards across the capital.

“It was fantastic to meet and hear from so many special constables about their careers so far, but also the things that as an organisation we can do better to support them. I want to thank each and every one of them for their service to this city.”

James Deller, Special Chief Officer said: “It was a thoroughly amazing event and was so well attended.

“There was a significant amount of feedback from the group discussions which will form part of our future plans to demonstrate how the MSC will continue to contribute to the priorities of A New Met for London Plan.”

There are more than 1,300 special constables working alongside regular officers in London.

Since the inaugural event, the MPS said the volunteer officers, who hold the same powers as regular constables, have put in “a whopping 50,000 hours of shifts across the capital”, from responding to emergency calls to working alongside detectives in specialist units such as Counter Terrorism and Specialist Crime.

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