More forces than ever join knife crime crackdown

A record number of forces will take part in a week of action targeting knife users and those involved in the supply chain.

Jul 17, 2017

A record number of forces will take part in a week of action targeting knife users and those involved in the supply chain. Thirty-two forces have signed up for the latest phase of Operation Sceptre, the Metropolitan Police Service-led crackdown on knife crime. Until Sunday (July 23), officers across England and Wales will conduct more stop searches in known hotspots and increase test purchases to catch illegal retailers red-handed. The campaign also features a strong educational element with officers working alongside schools and community groups to teach children about the dangers of carrying weapons. The high engagement rate comes after Vulnerability Minister Sarah Newton encouraged more forces to get involved with Operation Sceptre last month. Chief Constable Simon Bailey, National Police Chiefs’ Council lead on Violence and Public Protection, said knife crime “is on the rise again”. He added: “Police are determined to bring it back down and prevent more unnecessary deaths of young people with their lives ahead of them and stop more families being torn apart. “There is no easy solution to knife crime, and enforcement alone is certainly not the answer. Throughout this week and beyond, police will be working with all those who have a role to play in tackling knife crime because that is the only way we’ll achieve a long term change.”

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