Lincolnshire deploys new information platform
Lincolnshire Police has become the 11th force in the UK to implement Niches Records Management System (RMS).

Lincolnshire Police has become the 11th force in the UK to implement Niches Records Management System (RMS).
It hopes to go live with the systems crime, intelligence and property functions by July 2009.
Linclonshire has around 1,220 officers, 884 staff and 159 police community support officers, and Nicola Prutton, head of programme and planning, explained: Information technology is key in supporting our staff in achieving our strategic aims of safer neighbourhoods, protecting the public and improving our service.
This system will ensure the force is ideally placed to deliver the following key service areas: crime management, intelligence management and property management.
Niche RMS is a single, unified, operational policing system that manages information in relation to core policing entities people, locations, vehicles, organisations, incidents and objects, typically property.
Key benefits of the RMS include the consolidation of data storage systems into one central database, the ability to link all information on incidents and individuals so reducing paperwork and eliminating the duplication of information that existed in old paper-based systems and the ability to detect patterns of crime and anti-social behaviour.
Niche RMS features six main function areas: crime management, intelligence management, general incident management, property management, custody/ prisoner management and court case preparation.