Leicestershire PCC sets 25 per cent diversity target for new recruits

Leicestershire police and crime commissioner, Lord Willy Bach, has set his force a 25 per cent diversity target for new recruits.

Oct 30, 2020
By Tony Thompson
Lord Willy Bach

Lord Bach is set to address the Black Police Association later today (October 30) and explain more about his ambitions and discuss how they can support each other to achieve this goal.

This evening, he and the chief constable will attend a meeting of the African Heritage Alliance, when they will discuss this significant milestone in the work to reach a truly representative workforce with the people best placed to attract community backing.

Lord Bach said: “Around 25 per cent of the local population identifies as black, Asian, or from a minority ethnic background. This is our public and I believe that the composition of the force should reflect the public it serves. That’s why I want to see at least one in four recruits coming from a diverse background and I would hope to see a significant increase in the number of people with black African/Afro Caribbean heritage.

“I have always sought to increase the diversity of the workforce and over recent years my drive to instigate a positive action programme has borne fruit. The ethnic diversity of our applicants has improved, and we are beginning to see changes in the look and feel of the cohorts that we recruit. The proportion of recruits from the black Asian minority ethnic community has more or less doubled during my time in office. However, there is more to do.

“I want the Leicestershire force to be the number one choice when ambitious, community-minded black, Asian, and minority ethnic young people are choosing a career.

“I appreciate that the police will not achieve this on their own. I want the black community in Leicestershire to be part of this drive. Because if the force reflects the public and the public reflects the force, the concerns of prejudicial treatment and bias will be eliminated.

“All my life I have worked for social justice and equality of opportunity, and I feel that this target, which some might say is ambitious, is a natural step forward.”

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