January trial date set over football child sex abuse charges

The trial date has been set for ex-football coach Barry Bennell who faces 55 allegations of historical child sex abuse following an investigation by Cheshire Constabulary.

Jul 21, 2017

The trial date has been set for ex-football coach Barry Bennell who faces 55 allegations of historical child sex abuse following an investigation by Cheshire Constabulary. The 63-year-old is charged with 42 counts of indecent assault, 11 counts of serious sexual assault and two attempted serious sexual assaults. They relate to 12 complainants – all aged between eight and 15 – and allegedly took place between 1979 and 1991, the Crown Prosecution Service said. Mr Bennell denies the charges he faces and the trial – set for January 8, 2018 – is scheduled to last eight weeks, Liverpool Crown Court heard on Friday (July 21). Honorary Recorder of Liverpool Judge Clement Goldstone said a pre-trial hearing would be held in October. Currently on remand in custody, he appeared via video link at Liverpool Crown Court from HMP Woodhill in Milton Keynes for the proceedings. A former Crewe Alexandra coach, Mr Bennell also had a close association with Stoke City and Manchester City during his career.

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