Investigation launched over confidential paedophile dossier found next to a skip

Cleveland Police has made a voluntary referral to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) after a dog walker stumbled across a dossier containing sensitive information about sex offenders and their victims.

Jul 11, 2018
By Joe Shine

The file, containing more than 20 highly confidential pages detailing around 15 different cases, was discovered next to a skip in Hartlepool last month.

Instead of handing the documents to Cleveland Police, the man – who remains anonymous – gave them to a reporter from The Sun, who then surrendered them to the force.

The cases dated back to 2015 and included offenders from a wide range of ages.

While walking his dog on June 20, the 39-year-old man spotted the notes scattered across a suburban road with the words ‘sex offender’ on and a Cleveland Police logo at the top.

Inside the dossier was the names, addresses, bank details and family information of several convicted sex attackers.

It also included profiles of the offenders’ behaviour, alcohol problems, family relations, time in prison and even their hobbies.

A Cleveland Police spokesperson said: “We take information security very seriously and are making contact with those who have been directly affected.

“An investigation has been launched to determine exactly how this happened and we have referred the matter to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

“A voluntary referral has also been made to the Independent Office for Police Conduct.”

A spokesperson from the ICO said: “We are aware of an incident concerning Cleveland Police and are making enquiries.

“Organisations have a legal duty to ensure that personal data is held securely. This is especially the case where sensitive information is concerned.”

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