Intergraph software selected by Surrey Police for contact centre
Intergraph Corporation has announced that Surrey Police has selected Intergraph for its non-emergency contact centre.

Intergraph Corporation has announced that Surrey Police has selected Intergraph for its non-emergency contact centre.
Using Intergraph GeoMedia WebMap software, the new system allows operators to locate a callers address and then publish data from various Surrey Police datasets via a map-based intranet service tied to a callers location. Often calls to the police will not require an immediate response, but to be resolved, should be passed to a local beat officer, partnership agency or local government department. By having all relevant information in one map-based portal, operators are able to communicate effectively and efficiently with callers to resolve any concerns.
“The staff of the Surrey Police Contact Centre is very pleased with this new tool,” said Karen Morris, customer services manager for Surrey Police. “Operators have driven the development priorities for functionality, producing a high level of ownership and motivation. Early survey results show that, where extra information is provided to our callers, it achieves a positive effect.”
Surrey Polices contact centre was recently recognised by the European Call Centre of the Year Awards receiving a highly commended rating. The centre currently receives an average of 130,000 calls a month. During the last two years the force has invested heavily in its call centre to keep its services efficient.