Force receipts from NSAC schemes up from £35 to £45 per driver

Police forces in England and Wales are expected to receive £54 million from drivers on speed awareness courses in the next 12 months – thanks to a substantial rise in the receipt fee.

Oct 23, 2017

Police forces in England and Wales are expected to receive £54 million from drivers on speed awareness courses in the next 12 months – thanks to a substantial rise in the receipt fee. Last month the amount they receive from each person`s National Speed Awareness Course (NSAC) increased by 28 per cent, from £35 to £45. According to Government statistics, more than 1.2 million motorists opted to complete a NASC in 2015 – as an alternative to collecting fixed penalty points and a fine. Forces also get millions of pounds from the 200,000 road users on other courses run under the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS). NDORS courses are provided by private companies on behalf of the police. Analysis of course costs show differences depending on where drivers live — such as £75 in Northamptonshire and £99 in Essex. Steve Gooding, of motoring research charity the RAC Foundation, said: “People would expect to pay a fixed price.” A spokesperson for NDORS said course pricing is complicated by differences in the number of attendees, locations and durations.

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