EMR transforming forensics

The East Midlands Special Operations Unit is looking to “transform the delivery of forensic services”.

Jun 28, 2017

The East Midlands Special Operations Unit is looking to “transform the delivery of forensic services”. The five-force collaboration under the East Midlands Special Operations Unit – Forensic Services (EMSOU-FS) delivers a wide range of forensic capabilities to the East Midlands Region (EMR). Now, in a tender notice issued for IT consultancy and development services, it says it is “undertaking a number of IT-based workstreams focused on delivering transformational solutions from frontline crime scene investigators to central services”. The notice says the “high level aim” is to “transform the delivery of forensic services across the EMR, delivering cashable and efficiency savings, while focusing on the provision of a broad range of specialist agile capabilities, meeting the vision laid out in the 2025 Policing Plan”.

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