Covert radios deployed by Isle of Man police
Police and customs officers on the Isle of Man are being equipped with TETRA radios suitable for covert use. The new equipment is expected to be fully operation by June, in time for the islands annual TT motorcycle races and accompanying influx of visitors.

Police and customs officers on the Isle of Man are being equipped with TETRA radios suitable for covert use. The new equipment is expected to be fully operation by June, in time for the islands annual TT motorcycle races and accompanying influx of visitors.
The new TCR1000 TETRA Covert Radio from Motorola is designed to improve operational effectiveness with its small ergonomic design helping officers to disguise their communications equipment during covert operations.
At last we have a covert radio that is fit for purpose, said Robert Williamson, technical director at the Department of Home Affairs. TETRA is a very appropriate communications technology for policing activity, but until now we have not had a suitable form factor for covert operations
The small, lightweight design of the TCR1000 Covert TETRA terminal incorporates many features designed to address the unique requirements of covert users, such as discrete audio, radio control and battery life. Despite the compact design, the radio also includes options for integrated GPS and end-to-end encryption.