‘Best-value’ mobile plan for forces

The Police ICT Company and Vodafone have created a national voice and data price plan designed to save police forces money.

Jul 25, 2018
By Paul Jacques

The Vodafone offer, which expires on August 31, enables forces that are not currently tied to a mobile contract to benefit from additional savings. In addition to saving money, Vodafone says this offer provides rich voice and data plans and will enable forces to focus on innovative solutions that will enable their frontline staff to become more agile.

Ian Bell, The Police ICT Company’s chief executive officer, said: “The company, supported by the Commercial Working Group of the National Police Technology Council, has been working hard with the three main providers of mobile and data services in the UK to finalise arrangements for launching a UK-wide price plan.

“The Police ICT Company’s work with these network providers is aimed at offering police forces the best value. We are pleased to see the Vodafone offer come to fruition, which we believe provides another excellent opportunity that gives forces more choice while ultimately saving significant amounts of money.”

Details of the offer will not be released publically but are available on the password-protected Crown Commercial Services E-Market Place.

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