App to offer a ‘gateway’ for public

Northumbria Police is looking to develop a mobile-based app that allows users to report issues which have an impact on where they live and work.

May 4, 2017
By Paul Jacques

Northumbria Police is looking to develop a mobile-based app that allows users to report issues which have an impact on where they live and work.

The app will enable issues to be reported directly to Northumbria Police and the relevant county council responsible for that area, giving the public a direct link to locally-based services.

It will also be designed to act as a signpost to available support agencies, such as Victims First, Citizens Advice and Childline.

Northumbria Police says the app will also allow the user to make anonymous or named reports to Crimestoppers and act as a gateway to other national support-based services.

“The overall objective of this project is to create an app which allows our communities to receive a first class level of service by ensuring reports are received quickly and efficiently by the right agency whether this is from the relevant local authority or Northumbria Police,” says the tender notice.

The notice says the app must be compatible with all mobile-based operating systems and should also be able to be used on desktop, laptop and tablet computers.

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