Volunteer police officer retires after 46 years

A volunteer police officer who has served with Hertfordshire Constabulary for 46 years has retired.

Sep 5, 2024
By Paul Jacques
Ron McMurdie

Throughout his career, Mr McMurdie, who was a mechanical engineer  has worked his way through the ranks from Special Constable to Special Sergeant in 1980, to Special Inspector in 1982 and then to the most recent rank of Special Chief Inspector, which he achieved in 2014.

However, Mr McMurdie is not saying farewell to the constabulary just yet as he will return as a civilian volunteer.

He said: “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time being a Special and have made fantastic memories along the way. I’ve also made friendships for life, which is something I really cherish.

“Being a Special is a fantastic opportunity to give back to your community and make a difference. We come from all walks of life, and each have different experiences that we can bring to the role.

“Although the time was right for my Specials career to come to an end, I wasn’t quite ready to leave the Herts Police family. That’s why I’m returning as a civilian volunteer and my new role will be assisting the Special Constabulary as a strategy and development manager – ensuring we’re doing the best we can to support and lead the way with our volunteer officers.

“I’m really looking forward to starting a new role and feel that volunteering with the police is one of the best opportunities out there. I’d highly recommend it to anyone who may be considering a career in the police or for anyone who wants to try something different.”

While retired, Mr McMurdie will also continue with his charity work as a blood-biker with the Service Emergency Response Volunteers (SERV), delivering urgent blood supplies to hospitals in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.

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