Violent disorder driven by disinformation and social media rumours, says NPCC, as PM warns those taking part ‘will regret it’

The Prime Minister has promised that those taking part in the recent wave of disorder across the country following the murder of three children in Southport “will regret it”.

Aug 7, 2024
By Paul Jacques
Chief Constable BJ Harrington

“Be in no doubt: those who have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law,” said Sir Keir Starmer, who “utterly condemned the far-right thuggery seen over the weekend”.

His statement on Sunday (August 4) came as at least 12 officers were injured in “deplorable acts of violence” outside the Holiday Inn Express Hotel in Rotherham where around 700 protestors had gathered.

On the same day, violent disorder broke out in Middlesbrough with Cleveland Police making more than 40 arrests.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) said so far 378 arrests have been made connected to the violence in towns and cities, with that total expected to rise each day as forces continue to identify those involved and continue to apprehend those responsible.

NPCC lead for public order, Chief Constable BJ Harrington said: “Both myself and senior officers across the country promised there would be swift, decisive police action against criminals who try to disrupt our communities. That’s what we have delivered.

“Disinformation is a huge driver of this appalling violence and we know a lot of those attending these so-called protests are doing so in direct response to what they’ve read online.

“Often posts are being shared and amplified by high-profile accounts. We’re working hard to counteract this. We know we’re not alone and we are drawing together our communities and our partners to help us do even more to silence those intent on spreading false news. They won’t win.”

Merseyside Police Assistant Chief Constable Alex Goss said speculation and hypothesis around the status of 17-year-old Axel Rudakubana – who been charged with the murders of the three girls and ten counts of attempted murder following his knife attack at a Taylor Swift-themed children’s dance class – is being used to “bring violence and disorder to our streets” (see

Mr Harrington said an extra 130 units were in place across the country, meaning almost 4,000 extra public order trained officers to deploy, in anticipation of further violent protests.

“This week we have seen appalling behaviour that in no way shows compassion or respect for the little girls who were killed and injured last week. It shows no respect for our communities, and it will be stopped,” Mr Harrington said.

“We know people will try and do this again in the coming days and policing has been and will continue to be ready.”

He warned anyone planning to cause trouble and disorder that the police will be watching anyone committing a criminal offence will be detained and brought before the courts.

“In recent days we have seen criminals masquerading as protesters, causing senseless destruction,” said Mr Harrington.

“These people are not protestors, they’re violent thugs – and many have already been arrested and charged.

Police officers have been subjected to sustained levels of violence as they try to protect the communities they serve. And importantly communities have been damaged and property destroyed.

“This is completely unacceptable, and anyone found to have played even a small role in this abhorrent behaviour will face robust action.

“If you’ve been involved but haven’t been arrested yet, your time will come. forces will be using all tools available to track you down.”

The Prime Minister promised that police will be making arrests, individuals will be held on remand, and charges and convictions will follow.

“I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder,” he said.

“Whether directly or those whipping up this action online, and then running away themselves.

“This is not protest. It is organised, violent thuggery.

“And it has no place on our street or online.”

South Yorkshire Police said it “absolutely condemns” the scenes of disorder witnessed on Sunday, with a total of around 700 people in attendance outside the Holiday Inn Express Hotel in Manvers Way earlier today.

“A number of people threw planks of wood at our officers and sprayed them with fire extinguishers before smashing hotel windows to gain access to the premises,” the force said.

“A large bin close to a window of the hotel was also set alight causing a small fire which was later extinguished, with missiles, including glass bottles and beer cans, thrown at our officers.

“At least 12 officers have been injured as a result of the violence, with one left unconscious following a head injury, another suffering a suspected fractured elbow and other suffering suspected broken bones.

“No hotel employees or residents have been reported as injured as a result of today’s disorder.

South Yorkshire Police said a generator was also set alight, and a number of small grass fires were set, which were quickly extinguished by South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

It said a heavy police presence was expected to remain outside the hotel and in the surrounding area throughout Monday.

Assistant Chief Constable Lindsey Butterfield said the “mindless actions” of those on Sunday have achieved “nothing other than sheer destruction and leaving members of the public and the wider community in fear”.

“The behaviour we witnessed has been nothing short of disgusting,” she said. “While it was a smaller number of those in attendance who chose to commit violence and destruction, those who simply stood on and watched remain absolutely complicit in this.

“Those who choose to spread misinformation and hate online, also need to take responsibility for the scenes today. This was not a protest, just angry people, reacting to a false narrative, shared by people who have their own motivations for doing so.

“All today has achieved is the diversion of police and partner resources, operational police officers who will now be away from active duty while they recover from their injuries, and the continued use of public money to clean up the mess they have left behind.”

In a statement issued on Monday (August 5), Ms Butterfield said: “Following a day and night of violence and disorder in Wath-upon-Dearne yesterday, Sunday 4 August, focused on a hotel, housing asylum seekers, I can confirm today we have seen at least 12 of our officers injured, with items such as bricks, fence posts, branches and other missiles thrown at them.

“Our police dogs suffered minor injuries after missiles were launched at them, and the horses had bricks, eggs, bottles and beer cans thrown at their heads. They were spat at, and threats made to cut the saddles in an attempt to injure the riders.

“So far we have had six arrests, one in Sheffield and five in Rotherham, with one person already charged and will be before the court this morning. Please be assured we expect this number to increase significantly over the coming days.

“It began yesterday around 11.30am, when a group of 250 arrived in the Manvers area of Wath-upon-Dearne. A further group of around 500 people arrived shortly after, who we believe held far-right and anti-immigration views.

“At the same time, a large crowd began to gather in Sheffield city centre, diverting a number of force resources.

“It was at this point, we began to see an escalation in violence in Wath. Hotel windows were smashed, and there was a concerted effort to cause damage to the interior and serious harm to those inside.

“There was a particularly sickening moment when a wheelie bin was pushed up against the hotel and set on fire, with the clear intent to cause serious harm to all those inside. It was known there were people residing and working in the hotel, but the mindless individuals responsible had absolutely no regard for their safety.

“It was ultimately a disgusting display of thuggery, continuing well into the evening, with our policing operation only finishing around 5am. I want to say a heartfelt thanks to all those involved from South Yorkshire Police, and the many forces who provided us with mutual aid, and our partners in fire, the ambulance service and local partners for their continued support. I would also like to thank those who have already sent kind messages to the force.

“Officers have worked through the night to begin identifying those  involved in these horrendous scenes. Please be assured, if you were there, we will find you, and you will be held accountable for your part in yesterday’s violence.

“To our local communities, and particularly in Manvers. Yesterday was a dark day and we know this was felt across the county. Our priority will always be public safety and you will see an increase of officers across South Yorkshire over the coming weeks.”

She said the force will be sharing a link for anyone with footage from Sunday.

Mr Harrington said it has been encouraging to see local leaders and communities “unite and stand together against the division and hatred these criminals pretending to be protesters are stoking up”.

“Intelligence teams, detectives and neighbourhood officers are working round the clock to identify and apprehend those involved and make no mistake, if you haven’t had a knock on the door yet, your time will come,” he said.

“The number of gatherings are reducing significantly today but we are in no way complacent and you’ll see officers patrolling communities, ready to tackle disorder, clampdown on violence, and prevent crime, regardless of who the offenders are.

“They have stood strong in the face of attempts to spread disorder and in challenging circumstances and I’d like to once again thank every officer, police staff member and special constable on duty this weekend for their professionalism and dedication, whether on the street or gathering evidence to bring charges against the dozens of suspects who are already custody.

“Attempts to disrupt our communities have no place in our society and I’d like to thank everyone for the support and solidarity they’ve shown.”

Cleveland’s police and crime commissioner (PCC) Matt Storey said the violence and criminality witnessed in Middlesbrough “has been appalling and we will not tolerate it”.

“Cleveland Police has again been outstanding in its response to the violent disorder, with our dedicated officers putting themselves in harm’s way to protect the public and apprehend those responsible for this mindless behaviour,” he said.

“These people do not represent Middlesbrough. They are thugs who are intent on causing violent disorder, harm and fear in our communities.

“Their message of hate and division will fail. Now, more than ever we will come together across Cleveland to unite in a spirit of solidarity and togetherness.

“Our diversity is our strength and we will prevail.”

Cleveland Police said the total number of arrests made so far in connection with the incidents is 43 and a full investigation is now underway.

Commenting after last week’s violence in Hartlepool, County Durham and Darlington PCC Joy Allen said: “I am appalled by the sickening scenes witnessed in Hartlepool and across the country in the wake of the Southport atrocities.

“This violence is being inflicted by thugs who are unashamedly using the tragedy as an excuse to bring fear, harm and intimidation at a time when our communities are in grief and shock.

“I would like to thank Durham Constabulary officers for their courage and bravery in supporting their colleagues on the streets of Hartlepool in what has been a very challenging and dangerous situation. Regrettably, one of our officers was injured during the unrest alongside several policing colleagues from other forces. I wish them a speedy recovery, their bravery in seeking to keep us safe is inspiring.

“The mindless rioters responsible for these offences must be punished and held accountable for their actions. This includes those who plant the seed of such clashes under the cloak of anonymity on social media.

“There is absolutely no place for the hatred witnessed in Cleveland and in our towns and cities across the UK – it does not represent the hearts and minds of the people living within these communities who stand for respect, tolerance and kindness.

“I will continue to offer my full support to Chief Constable Rachel Bacon and our colleagues in Cleveland and beyond as they respond to the unrest and seek to bring peace, justice and reassurance in these areas.

“Our thoughts remain with the families of the three little girls killed in Southport and those critically injured and recovering. There are no words to express our sorrow for the unimaginable grief they are feeling.”

Women’s Aid says following a week of attacks on Muslims and black and minoritised people, it remains “deeply concerned by the violence and the impact this is having on victims and survivors of domestic abuse and the specialist services that support black and minoritised survivors”.

In a statement issued on Monday (August 5) it said: “Our sector, and the women’s liberation movement, was founded with activism and protest and this lies at the heart of our history. For the media to continue to report the violence and hatred of these far-right groups as ‘protests’ and ‘protestors’ is incorrect and offensive.

“We urge for the Government and police to call out the terrorism, Islamophobia and racism we are witnessing in our communities and on our streets. “Critically we need to question why the narrative has shifted away from the murders of three young girls and violence against women and girls. We remind the Government of the importance of this lens on these issues and the urgent need for action.

“We know that survivors of domestic abuse have particularly been targeted, for example the Holiday Inn in Tamworth which was set on fire as it houses asylum seekers, many of whom are women who are also escaping domestic abuse. There were similar hotel attacks in Rotherham.

“This will have been terrorising for hotel staff, but even more so for vulnerable residents including women survivors of male violence. These survivors will have come here for safety and instead have been met with completely intolerable racism.

“The Government, and our communities and society, must stand strong against this violence and far-right group. No one should be treated or made to feel like this – not anyone from any faith, ethnicity, sexuality or sex – but least of all survivors of domestic abuse. We must remember we are stronger together – united.”

Women’s Aid, alongside 76 of its member organisations, have issued an urgent letter to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper demanding that the horrendous knife attack in Southport be viewed not in isolation but instead as part of the wider epidemic of violence against women and girls that plagues the country.

Meanwhile, the Home Office has confirmed that mosques are being offered greater protection with new emergency security that can be rapidly deployed.

The new rapid response process means mosques at risk of violent disorder can be offered additional security personnel, providing communities with vital support and reassurance. This will boost the work already being done by local police forces to protect these important places of worship.

Under the new process now in place, the police, local authorities and mosques can ask for rapid security to be deployed, protecting communities and allowing for a return to worship as quickly as possible.

This announcement will build on the existing Protective Security for Mosques Scheme, with up to £29.4 million already available this year to fund security at mosques and Muslim faith schools.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said: “Britain is a proud and tolerant country, and nobody should make any excuses for the shameful actions of the hooligans, thugs and extremist groups who have been attacking police officers, looting local shops or attacking people based on the colour of their skin.

“In light of the disgraceful threats and attacks that local mosques have also faced in many communities, the Government is providing rapid additional support through the Protective Security for Mosques Scheme, alongside the support from local police forces and we repeat that anyone involved in this disorder and violence will face the full force of the law.

“As a nation we will not tolerate criminal behaviour, dangerous extremism, and racist attacks that go against everything our country stands for.”

She said the Government has made clear that targeted attacks on Muslim communities “will not be tolerated”: “All those involved in violent disorder, including attacks on the police, local communities, arson and looting should expect to face the full force of the law.”

The Home Office said the new arrangements have been deployed and were already providing additional

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