SPA backs Police Scotland’s vision for policing reform

The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) has “unanimously” endorsed Police Scotland’s commitment to strengthen frontline policing and reconnect with communities.

Sep 26, 2024
By Paul Jacques
Scottish Police Authority chair Martyn Evans

A 2030 vision for policing sets key ambitions of safer communities, less crime, supported victims and a thriving workforce.

Alongside this, a three-year business plan outlines more than 130 milestones Police Scotland aims to achieve by March 2027.

The plans were presented and endorsed during a public meeting of the SPA Board in Edinburgh on Thursday (September 26).

SPA chair Martyn Evans said: “The chief constable made a commitment last year, when she took up post, that she would take forward the second phase of police reform.

“This business plan sets out how she will do that, explaining the vision and the priorities to achieve it.

“This has been a significant undertaking and the Authority unanimously and fully endorses it.”

Police Scotland Chief Constable Jo Farrell said: “Today we presented plans to evolve policing in Scotland to deliver a second phase of reform so that we can meet existing and emerging challenges within the funding available.

“I’ve set a vision for what I want Police Scotland to deliver – safer communities, less crime, supported victims, and a thriving workforce and our first three-year business plan covering the period 2024/25 until 2026/27, which details the steps we are taking to deliver for our communities and our workforce, relentlessly prioritising frontline services.

“I am grateful for the support and endorsement of the SPA Board and Police Scotland will continue to work with the Authority to deliver on this vision for policing.”


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