Smart way to screen suspects in custody
Everyone arrested in Blackpool and the Fylde is now being screened for
the anti-theft system SmartWater in a bid to bring more criminals to

Everyone arrested in Blackpool and the Fylde is now being screened for the anti-theft system SmartWater in a bid to bring more criminals to justice.
Specialist equipment has been installed in the newly-refurbished custody suite at Blackpool police station to allow the unique property-marking solution to be detected.
Custody Inspector Tim Newton said: Even though it is invisible to the naked eye, SmartWater remains detectable on skin and hair for weeks, and even longer on clothing.
Everyone arrested is now being taken into a room with specialist
ultraviolet lighting, which will show up any traces of SmartWater.
This will help us link offenders to crime scenes, providing vital evidence and ultimately bringing more offenders to justice.
Prior to the specialist equipment being installed, officers had to use small, hand-held devices which, although they could detect SmartWater, were not as effective as the new wall-mounted light.
Earlier this year, an area of Brunswick ward was designated a SmartWater zone when the anti-theft system was distributed to 1,500 houses.