Rashan Charles death: Force decides on ‘restricted duties’ for officer

The police officer being investigated over the death of a 20-year-old detainee will not be suspended, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has confirmed.

Sep 21, 2017

The police officer being investigated over the death of a 20-year-old detainee will not be suspended, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has confirmed. Rashan Charles died on July 22 after he was pursued by an officer into a shop in Hackney, east London, and detained with the assistance of a member of the public. CCTV footage showed the officer forcing him to the ground and trying to remove a small package from his throat. The officer called for medical assistance after Mr Charles fell ill. He later died in hospital. Despite the Independent Police Complaints (IPCC) formally recommending that the officer should be suspended, the MPS has placed him on restricted duties. Mr Charles’s family said they were “disappointed” with the decision. A MPS spokesperson said the officer was placed on restricted duties following “very careful consideration of the matter”. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Richard Martin added: “I fully understand the strength of public feeling about the tragic death of Rashan Charles in Hackney. All the circumstances surrounding his death are subject to independent scrutiny by the IPCC. “Throughout this investigation both the officer concerned and the MPS have fully co-operated with the IPCC investigation and will continue to do so. I have carefully considered the IPCC`s representations and the views of key partners in making my decision. “The officer concerned will be office-based and have no direct contact with any member of the public whilst the investigation is ongoing. “As always, the serving of a notice by the IPCC does not mean that misconduct has been proven against an officer.” Mr Charles’s family said in a statement: “We have learned that the MPS has decided not to suspend the officer who is seen on CCTV grabbing Rashan and throwing him to the ground on the night he died. “This decision sends completely the wrong message about how seriously the MPS take what happened to Rashan and we call on them to reconsider.” A full inquest into Mr Charles’s death will take place in June 2018.

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