Police being 'hung out to dry' due to 'woolly" Covid-19 legislation

The chair of West Yorkshire Police Federation is calling on the Government to urgently clarify coronavirus lockdown regulations to prevent officers “being made scapegoats for poor policy”.

Jan 11, 2021
By Tony Thompson
Brian Booth

Brian Booth said officers trying to enforce the rules have been “hung out to dry” as a result of “woolly laws”.

In a post on Facebook, Mr Booth wrote: “My colleagues are between a rock and a hard place. With a public which have polar opinions in regard to the Covid regulations. On one side you have those who think the regulations should not apply to them and will seek every opportunity twist the rules to suit their personal benefit, then you have those who are crying out for a strong enforcement line, because they are in fear of Covid spreading.

“Walking a tightrope between maintaining public confidence and upholding the law is not made easy with poor guidance. At the end of the first lockdown I highlighted the difficulties officers were facing when it came down to trying to help Police the pandemic with such woolly laws – roll on six months and we are still in the same position.

“Police officers are being made scapegoats for poor policy and law writing. Make it clear for the public – for example, if it is desired that exercise be limited to local, then clearly state in law what local is. Do not insert it into guidance that has no legal standing.

“The NHS is in crisis, my colleagues have a part to play in protecting the NHS and upholding law. Please have a review of what you expect and don’t keep leaving my colleagues hung out to dry.”


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