PFNI condemns attacks on officers during street disorder

The Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) has condemned attacks on police officers during a second night of street disturbances in south Belfast.

Jul 17, 2024
By Paul Jacques
Picture: Min Jing /

Petrol and paint bombs were thrown at officers and vehicles by groups of up to 50 young people.

PFNI Chair Liam Kelly said: “This behaviour that we have seen over two nights in the Village-Broadway area is wholly destructive and pointless.

“People living in the immediate area of this disorder have had their lives turned upside down with damage caused to properties.

“Thankfully, our officers have escaped injury in these vicious attacks. They have succeeded in holding the line and restoring peace to this area.

“There is no excuse for the violent scenes we have witnessed or the wilful and mindless targeting of officers who are doing their best to protect the entire community.”

He added: “This street disorder has to stop. Nothing can be gained by rival groups inflicting such upheaval on families living in this area.

“Our officers will continue to maintain the rule of law and conduct professional policing operations until the gangs engaged in this street violence desist.”

Police Service of Norther Ireland Chief Superintendent Jeremy Lindsay, District Commander for Belfast said: “Thankfully, no injuries to police officers or the public were reported. However, this was a particularly protracted period of public disorder lasting into the early hours of today.

“Petrol and paint bombs were thrown at officers and vehicles by groups of up to 50 young people. The windscreens of three cars were shattered and splattered with paint with some damage also caused to our police vehicles.

“Local officers will continue to patrol the area to prevent anti-social or disorderly behaviour and detect those involved.

We will also continue to work alongside our partner agencies, local representatives and the community.

“I would urge the young people who have been involved and their parents or guardians to seriously consider the impact of their actions on the local community, but also on their own futures. These actions have serious consequences.”

“I want to thank local community representatives who worked with us to restore calm and minimise the impact on the local community.

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