Partnership set up to deliver affordable ANPR
Civica and Tetratab have announced a strategic partnership to deliver affordable automatic numberplate recognition (ANPR) on demountable rugged, multi-purpose tablet computers.

Civica and Tetratab have announced a strategic partnership to deliver affordable automatic numberplate recognition (ANPR) on demountable rugged, multi-purpose tablet computers.
According to Civica and Tetratab, the ability to provide simple ANPR facilities to all general patrol vehicles is now a practical and affordable reality
They say the new system is not designed to replace full ANPR multi-camera systems on specialist ANPR patrol units. These vehicles have sophisticated multi-lane and bad weather/night-time facilities and are usually targeted as highly pro-active patrol units. Instead, it is designed specifically for more routine patrol units where the primary function is not to deliver ANPR patrolling. The system is designed to provide occasional proactive hits, but mainly an ability to constantly gather ANPR intelligence information throughout the whole tour of duty of a routine beat patrol.
This single lane solution was initially tested and trialled on West Mercia Community Safety Speedwatch vans. This speedwatch solution is now been offered nationally to all community safety partnerships and organisations deploying mobile and or static camera vans among others.