Ofsted asked to inspect schools’ plans to tackle knife crime

London schools have been told they will face “tough action” if they do not create new measures to prevent knife crime.

Oct 31, 2017

London schools have been told they will face “tough action” if they do not create new measures to prevent knife crime. Mayor Sadiq Khan wants Ofsted to inspect schools on whether they are doing enough to safeguard pupils and deter them from carrying blades following a series of fatal stabbings in the capital. On Tuesday (October 31), he told a summit of education professionals that some schools are nervous about discussing knife issues due to fear of being labelled unsafe. He added that teachers need to cooperate with police and Ofsted to root out the problem. Mr Khan said: “Knife crime ruins lives and devastates communities – every death on our capital’s streets is an utter tragedy. “We need everyone to join the fight against it, and schools have a vital part to play in creating a safe, positive place for students, spotting danger signs and spreading the message that carrying a knife is more likely to ruin your life than save it. “That is why we are working with Ofsted to take tough action to ensure schools have the right safeguarding measures in place.” Thirty-three people aged under 25 have been fatally stabbed in London so far this year. Meanwhile, knife crime has risen by 20 per cent across England and Wales. The Mayor’s Office of Policing and Crime announced a £625 million investment in knife and gang crime projects earlier this year, bringing total spending to £7 million. The MPS has also taken targeted stop and search action on knife crime and has tested purchasing operations as part of Operation Sceptre. HM Inspector Mike Sheridan, London Regional Director at Ofsted, said: “Schools, colleges and others who work with young people have a vital role to play in protecting children from knife crime and helping them make positive decisions about their lifestyle choices. And Ofsted is determined to support this important work. “This is why we have agreed to undertake a thematic report to bring together the best academic research in preventing youth violence along with the strongest practice we see on inspection in London.”

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