Officer who failed to disclose relationship crime victim given final written warning

A Greater Manchester Police (GMP) officer who failed to disclose his relationship with a victim of domestic violence has been given a final written warning.

Jul 10, 2023
By Paul Jacques

PC Dean Birkhead, who was based in Stockport, admitted failing to report the relationship to supervisors because he said he was scared to do so.

The officer met the woman after she reported a crime to police.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said it had received a referral from GMP in September 2019 regarding concerns PC Birkhead may have formed an “inappropriate relationship” with the victim. He was arrested by IOPC investigators in September 2019 and interviewed under criminal caution.

“Our independent investigation, which concluded in September 2020, looked at the nature of the officer’s contact with the woman, and their relationship,” said the IOPC. “We also investigated complaints by the woman’s ex-partner, referred by GMP in December 2019, alleging PC Birkhead had influenced witness statements made by the woman, and that the officer had acted unprofessionally towards him.”

Investigators found “a significant number of messages” to and from the woman on his personal phone, and evidence that they met in person on a number of occasions.

On conclusion of its investigation, the IOPC found PC Birkhead had a case to answer for gross misconduct.

A hearing held last week found PC Birkhead breached the standards of professional behaviour in relation to his honesty and integrity; and authority, respect and conduct. This was in relation to his failure to report the relationship to his supervisor, and he was handed a final written warning.

The panel found he had no case to answer in respect of allegations that his relationship with the woman was inappropriate.

IOPC Regional Director Catherine Bates said: “Police officers are entrusted with significant powers and must be seen to be using them responsibly. That is why they are required to report personal relationships where there could be a potential conflict of interest.

“These rules are vital to protect both the public and the integrity of the police service. PC Birkhead was well aware of these rules, which he signed up to on becoming a police officer, yet failed to follow them.

“While the panel was satisfied in this case that the woman in question was not vulnerable, this serves as a valuable reminder of the standards all officers must adhere to if they are to maintain the trust placed in them by the public.”

A file of evidence was referred to the Crown Prosecution Service, which decided not to authorise any charges against PC Birkhead.

“We found no independent evidence capable of confirming whether or not the allegations made in the complaint against PC Birkhead were accurate,” said the IOPC.

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