Officer dismissed following gross misconduct hearing

A Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has been dismissed following an investigation into allegations that he sexually assaulted a women while off duty.

Jun 28, 2024
By Paul Jacques

A misconduct hearing found PC Jonathan Lee, attached to the West Area Command Unit, had breached the standards of professional behaviour with regard to discreditable conduct. He will now be placed on the College of Policing barred list.

The investigation by the MPS’s professional standards team followed an allegation that while off duty and out with colleagues on June 25, 2019, PC Lee sexually assaulted a woman he was with.

The matter was reported to police and a criminal investigation was carried out.

PC Lee was charged on January 13, 2021. He was found not guilty of one count of sexual assault on November 10, 2022 at Isleworth Crown Court following a two-day trial.

The MPS said following the investigation by officers from the its Directorate of Professional Standards, a report was submitted to senior officers who found he had a case to answer for gross misconduct.

After hearing all of the evidence the panel, which was led by an independent legally qualified chair, determined that PC Lee should be dismissed without notice.

Chief Superintendent Sean Wilson of the West Area Command Unit said: “I know the public will be concerned to hear of another officer dismissed for misconduct of a sexual nature.

“The Commissioner has made it crystal clear that we are working hard to root out officers whose actions erode public trust in us. It is right that PC Lee has been dismissed.”

The MPS said PC Lee was on restricted duties during the entirety of this process.

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