New xxx porn domain rejected

A proposals for a new .xxx domain name specifically for websites with adult content has been rejected by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann).

Apr 19, 2007
By David Howell
Left to right: Kay Dargue, head of South Tees Youth Justice Service, PCC Matt Storey and Chief Inspector John Dodsworth.

A proposals for a new .xxx domain name specifically for websites with adult content has been rejected by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann).

This is the third time a request for the domain has been applied for. The Icann board members stated that they believed that granting the new domain would put them in the position of policing the content on these websites.

The original proposal was made by the ICM registry and was due to receive approval last May, but a final decision was delayed. The ICM had given assurances that steps would be taken to prevent children from accessing sites and that they would not contain any images of child abuse. “This decision was the result of very careful scrutiny and consideration of all the arguments,” said Dr Vinton Cerf, chairman of Icann. “That consideration had led a majority of the board to believe that the proposal should be rejected.”

“We are extremely disappointed by the board’s action,” Stuart Lawley, ICM’s president and chief executive told Associated Press. “It is not supportable for any of the reasons articulated by the board.”

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