New X-ray machine for BTP

3DX-Ray Limited will be supplying British Transport Police (BTP) with its new portable X-ray unit, the TPXi.

Jan 26, 2006
By David Howell
Picture: Essex Police

3DX-Ray Limited will be supplying British Transport Police (BTP) with its new portable X-ray unit, the TPXi.

The BTP intends to use the unit to support officers to prevent an attack on the transport system such as those seen in July of last year. The new device is designed to give the user the maximum detection rate of explosive, chemical or even biological sources concealed within suspect packages.

Superintendent Phil Trendall, speaking on behalf of the BTP, commented: “Our officers are in the front line, protecting the transport infrastructure against terrorist attack and it is very important that they have the best equipment available to protect the public, help minimise disruption and keep the rail system moving.

The new TPXi product is one of the most advanced portable x-ray systems available. Its exceptional image quality and robust wireless capability are particularly important in terms of maintaining our ability to manage the high levels of unattended items reported within the rail environment. We believe this new capability will enhance significantly the service we can provide the travelling public.”

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