New Patrol Support System announced
A new hand-held device that enables officers in the field to quickly check the identification of suspects has been launched by HeliMedia.

A new hand-held device that enables officers in the field to quickly check the identification of suspects has been launched by HeliMedia.
The PSS (Patrol Support System) is based on a PDA running the Windows CE operating system developed by Microsoft. The PDA is also encased in a shock and water resistant case. The device has a built-in fingerprint scanner, smart card reader, camera, GPS and GSM/GPRS module making it a versatile tool.
The PSS can also be used with the ANPR system to accurately recognise number plates. The unit can be used from a moving car, or fixed by the roadside and can handle speeds of up to 75mph with accuracy rates of over 95%. HeliMedia are now demonstrating the device in the UK.
Simon Hall, managing director of HeliMedia said: The ability to verify identity at the roadside or foot patrol means officers save valuable time and resources not having to return to base. This means they spend more time on patrol, performing the job they are trained to do. The other exciting factor about this product is that it extends the capabilities of ANPR so that it is no longer restricted to fixed sites or patrol cars, but is now available to the officer on foot. More information can be obtained from their website at: