New bomb containment vessels announced

Nabco Inc. has released details of two new products that allow the safe detonation of explosives.

Dec 15, 2005
By David Howell
PCC Rupert Matthews

Nabco Inc. has released details of two new products that allow the safe detonation of explosives.

The WMD Gas-tight capability – for the safe containment of potentially hazardous biological and chemical agents – enables response teams to safely contain all gases generated from a detonation of up to 3 lbs. of TNT.

The Rad Radiation Shield is designed expressly to contain and shield radioactive dirty bomb detonations. The Rad system has already been tested Nuclear Regulatory Commission standards using a Cobalt-60 source.

Nabco is also offering a range of additional options with the Rad shield product package including alpha, beta and gamma radiation detectors, and radiation analysers for determining isotope and radiation levels, radiation decontamination washes and radiation treatment pharmaceuticals.

“The effective handling and detonation of suspect explosive devices today can now require a WMD capability,” commented Jay Markey, President of Nabco Inc. “By equipping our Total Containment Vessels with this new gas-tight upgrade military, police, bomb squads, airports and security services now have the means to safely handle biological and chemical agents as well as conventional explosives.”

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