National Taser training programme gets underway

Firearms officers in England and Wales will begin training in the use of Tasers following the completion of the national training programme for the rollout of the less
lethal weapon.

Jan 27, 2005
By Keith Potter
Hugh Hume, chief executive for the office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland

Eight expert trainers from five different forces have delivered the programme to police trainers in almost every force in the country, and nearly 80 firearms officers have been trained.
It is thought to be the first time a firearms training package has been delivered nationally across the police service in this way.

The training involved learning about the handling characteristics of Taser as well as how it can be integrated into existing firearms tactics.

Inspector Mick Turner of the Metropolitan Police, who led the team of trainers, said: “The trainers were a very diverse group who got together and worked well as a cohesive team to deliver a consistent training package for Taser to almost every police force.

“This is the first time that a national training package has been rolled out, and I am pleased to say I think we put together a first class package which we tailored to the needs of the British officers and the policing context here.”

Taser has been used 108 times by British Police. In each case, it brought a serious incident to a safe conclusion with no lasting injury to either the subject, the police officers involved or members
of the public.

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