Mobile cameras reduce anti-social behaviour

A range of mobile CCTV cameras are about to be deployed in Ryedale to combat a range of criminal behaviour.

Jul 13, 2006
By David Howell
Andy Prophet with PCC Jonathan Ash-Edwards

A range of mobile CCTV cameras are about to be deployed in Ryedale to combat a range of criminal behaviour.

Three totally mobile CCTV cameras, supplied by Wireless CCTV, have been purchased by `Safer Ryedale`, the Crime and Disorder Partnership, to help combat anti-social behaviour (ASB) and low-level street crime throughout the district.

Fred McManus, Safer Ryedale’s Anti Social Behaviour Co-ordinator, said, “The cameras will provide us with the evidence we need to carry out a prosecution and gives us the eyes around the area to spot who the culprits are, in a much more flexible way”.

The cameras will be used by the community safety partnership in conjunction with North Yorkshire Police. Ryedale District Council and the Ryedale Housing Association contributed to the purchase of the equipment and they will also be able to access the cameras.

The first two cameras are already in place and will become full operational when staff training is completed.

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