MapInfo creates neighbourhood profiles

MapInfo Corporation has successfully completed its newly-awarded contract with Hampshire Constabulary to create neighbourhood profiles for the 144 neighbourhoods in the Hampshire area.

Jun 1, 2007
By David Howell
Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie

MapInfo Corporation has successfully completed its newly-awarded contract with Hampshire Constabulary to create neighbourhood profiles for the 144 neighbourhoods in the Hampshire area.

Neighbourhood profiling plays a critical role in the police authoritiesÂ’ requirement to deliver a framework to measure and manage the performance of local agencies as a key government objective. Hampshire Constabulary engaged MapInfo in March 2007 to create individual reports and maps for each of the neighbourhoods, with a focus on demographic variables and map information. They will create reference information, which can be used to formulate plans to address specific issues, to target resources and to measure the effect of crime reduction initiatives.

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