Latest underdoor viewer technology

Goodman Bentley’s latest underdoor viewer is designed to provide the best possible images for officers preparing risk assessments in hostile environments such as hostage taking and sieges.

Nov 1, 2007
By Paul Jacques

Goodman Bentley’s latest underdoor viewer is designed to provide the best possible images for officers preparing risk assessments in hostile environments such as hostage taking and sieges.

The Viper UDV can obtain high-quality live video and audio from within a room from the tip of its 3.95mm-wide insertion blade, which incorporates the latest optical array technology.

This can provide vital intelligence on the number of people in a given area, whether they are armed and the layout of a room before officers decide whether to force entry.

The miniature microphone, high resolution-low light monochrome camera and TFT screen come as one compact, easy-to-use unit.

Cased in an aluminium shell, the product features a supporting handle and will operate continuously for three hours on its rechargeable battery. Live remote monitoring is also available from the unit.

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