Its time to embrace Web 2.0
Senior public sector managers must overcome their status as digital immigrants and embrace Web 2.0 says a new report from the Society of Information Technology Management (Socitm).

Senior public sector managers must overcome their status as digital immigrants and embrace Web 2.0 says a new report from the Society of Information Technology Management (Socitm).
This is the key message of Web 2.0: what it is and why it matters a briefing for public sector managers, published by Socitm Insight last week.
The report describes the wide range of practices and technologies collectively known as Web 2.0, which it groups into the following eight categories: user-generated content, interactivity, re-use of information, use of rich content, business networking, search and retrieval of information, mobile access and e-learning.
The report will fuel the growing interest among local authorities and other public sector bodies about how they can work successfully with Web 2.0 phenomena like online communities, mash-ups, rich content, tag clouds, re-use of public information and user-generated content.
The report discusses the contribution each of these could make to transforming services and enabling engagement with communities.
The report is written for any public sector manager who has an interest in innovation and a desire to understand the potential of the next wave of web technology.
The report will be made available exclusively through a microsite that includes a blog, forum and other facilities to encourage discussion, feedback and networking.