Inn Keeper software tackles alcohol crime

Police officers on patrol in Essex are using state-of-the-art wireless technology to tackle the problem of alcohol-related crime following the introduction of new licensing laws.

Mar 23, 2006
By David Howell
Picture: MPS

Police officers on patrol in Essex are using state-of-the-art wireless technology to tackle the problem of alcohol-related crime following the introduction of new licensing laws.

The new mobile Inn Keeper system gives police officers using hand-held devices instant access to intelligence data about licensed premises. They can view a range of information on their PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) including permitted operating hours, details and photographs of licensees, and any conditions attached to a licence.

Officers can also input information while visiting licensed premises, including details of alcohol-related violence and disorder, under-age or after hours drinking, and other breaches of licensing conditions. The information they input is immediately included on the main Inn Keeper database and available forcewide, thereby reducing time spent on paperwork and eliminating duplication of effort.

The system – which has been developed by Bristol-based WPC Software in conjunction with Essex Police – will enable the force to monitor compliance with the updated Licensing Act 2003 more effectively and identify patterns of disorder much more quickly.

“The mobile Inn Keeper system is set to revolutionise the way licensing officers and frontline officers record and administer all aspects of licensing and alcohol-related crime,” said Alan Plummer, WPC Software’s technical director. “This will be as important as ever in the new licensing environment.”

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