Home Secretary condemns ‘desecration’ of police memorial at far-right protest

Home Secretary Priti Patel has condemned the “desecration” of Police Constable Keith Palmer’s memorial after a man urinated next to it amid violent far-right protests in London on Saturday (June 13).

Jun 13, 2020
By Website Editor
A protester is detained by police near outside the Houses of Parliament in London. PA Wire/PA Images Kirsty O'Connor

Twenty-three police officers suffered minor injuries in violent clashes as several hundred demonstrators, mostly white men, attended the protest organised by far-right groups which claimed they wanted to protect statues such as Winston Churchill from vandalism.

But violence erupted in areas near the Houses of Parliament and Trafalgar Square, as demonstrators repeatedly assailed officers with foul-mouthed chants and missiles, smoke grenades and flares.

A man who was part of the protest was pictured in Parliament Square urinating next to the memorial of PC Palmer, who was stabbed to death in the 2017 terror attack in Westminster.

The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) said a 28-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of outraging public decency after a man was photographed apparently urinating on the memorial dedicated to PC Keith Palmer.

The man is currently in custody in Essex after presenting himself at a police station.

MPS Commander Bas Javid said: “We are aware of a disgusting and abhorrent image circulating on social media of a man appearing to urinate on a memorial to PC Palmer. I feel for PC Palmer’s family, friends and colleagues. We have immediately launched an investigation, and will gather all the evidence available to us and take appropriate action.”

Ms Patel branded the act as “appalling and shameful”, and likened the protesters’ behaviour as “extreme thuggery”.

She said: “We have seen a small minority behave in extreme thuggery and violent behaviour today.

“That is simply unacceptable and the individuals that are basically putting the safety of our police officers and the safety of the public at risk will expect to face the full force of the law.

“We have seen some shameful scenes today, including the desecration of PC Keith Palmer’s memorial in Parliament, in Westminster Square, and quite frankly that is shameful, that is absolutely appalling and shameful.”

The wife of the late film producer and Police Memorial Trust founder Michael Winner also condemned the actions of the individual who appeared to urinate on the memorial of PC Palmer.

Mr Winner’s widow, Geraldine Winner, the Police Memorial Trust chair, expressed her “outrage” at the photograph.

She said: “We cannot express our revulsion and condemnation at this disgusting act in strong enough terms. How dare this man think he can defile the nation’s memorial to such a brave and heroic police officer.

“This vile individual must be held to account for his actions before the Courts. We appeal to anyone who knows the identity of this despicable person to contact the Metropolitan Police or Crimestoppers as soon as possible.”

Her words were echoed by the national chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales John Apter.

Mr Apter said: “PC Palmer GM was murdered whilst doing his job. He died a hero. The actions of this vile individual are repulsive – he is an utter disgrace.

“This is so disgustingly offensive I have no words. To dishonour the memory of our fallen colleague is beyond contemptible and a new low.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson also slammed the “racist thuggery” witnessed at the protests.

He wrote on Twitter: “Racist thuggery has no place on our streets. Anyone attacking the police will be met with full force of the law.

“These marches and protests have been subverted by violence and breach current guidelines.

“Racism has no part in the UK and we must work together to make that a reality.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the violence against police had been “completely unacceptable”.

He tweeted: “Today’s (Saturday) protests in London were led by those intent on causing violence and sowing hate for their own ends. We must not let them win.”

MP Tobias Ellwood, who gave first aid to PC Palmer as he lay dying after being stabbed to death in the grounds of Parliament by Khalid Masood in 2017, said the image of the man urinating next to the memorial was “abhorrent”.

Speaking to BBC News, he said the man should come forward and apologise.

“I’m really saddened to see this, in fact disgusted, it’s one of the most disturbing images I’ve seen,” he said.

When asked whether he thought the urinating man may not have noticed the memorial, Mr Ellwood said: “I don’t agree with that at all.

“This is the gates of Westminster, the most iconic symbol of democracy in the world next to a monument for PC Keith Palmer.

“He was fully aware of what he was doing, he should step forward and apologise.”

Metropolitan Police Federation chair Ken Marsh also condemned the “disorder and unruliness”, and suggested the man pictured urinating next to the memorial should be jailed.

The MPS said a total of 113 arrests were made following the demonstrations across central London. These were for a range of offences, including breach of the peace, violent disorder, assault on officers, possession of an offensive weapon, possession of Class A drugs and being drunk and disorderly.

Commander Javid said: “The scenes officers encountered across central London on Saturday were utterly shocking. Once again, they were pelted with missiles, or challenged by groups of men intent on violence.

“Mindless hooliganism such as this is totally unacceptable and I am pleased arrests were made. We will now work closely with the courts in pursuit of justice.

“I would like to thank those officers who showed enormous bravery in confronting violent behaviour, including our colleagues from British Transport Police and the City of London Police.”

Commander Javid  said “thousands” had travelled to London despite being asked not to and some of those “have been intent on causing harm”.

He added: “We understand why people want to express their concerns and have worked hard to keep people safe.

“Many people have complied with these conditions, and have listened to officers during the day, and have behaved as we have requested in order to keep them safe.

“A number of people have not followed these conditions, putting officers, and others safety at risk.

“There have been pockets of violence directed towards our officers. This is completely unacceptable and I condemn those involved.

“We will not tolerate the violence previously exhibited by some protestors.”

By around 5.30pm, London Ambulance Service said it had treated 15 people for injuries, including two police officers.

Six of these patients, all members of the public, had to be taken to hospital.

The violent scenes in Westminster contrasted with peaceful demonstrations that took place at Hyde Park and Marble Arch by anti-racism protesters in support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

On Friday, statues in Parliament Square – including of Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi – were boarded up to prevent them being targeted by protesters both from the Black Lives Matter movement and far-right groups.

There were similar gatherings on Saturday in Belfast, Glasgow and Bristol with crowds massing around monuments.

Avon and Somerset Constabulary said around 300 people attended the demonstration in Bristol city centre, with two arrests made.

In Brighton, more than 10,000 protesters attended a BLM event in the city centre, after many lined the seafront in support of the movement.

A Sussex Police spokesman said the demonstration was peaceful and no arrests were made.

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