Force launches online form for planned events

Cambridgeshire Constabulary has created an online form to make it easier for individuals and organisations to notify the force of planned events.

Jun 29, 2021
By Tony Thompson

Since the start of the year there have been more than 500 calls into the force’s Demand Hub to alert it to things such as drone flights, recreational shooting and charity work.

Detective Superintendent Michael Branston, head of demand for the force said: “As a courtesy we ask people to notify us of things that could result in calls for service, for example if someone is out shooting in a field.

“This is because it can spark concern for people nearby and result in calls into 999, so if we are made aware from the get go we are able to alleviate any worries straight away and avoid sending officers where they aren’t needed.”

The form has been designed to give officers time to review upcoming events and make any necessary people aware, although if an event is less than 12 hours away the public are encouraged to phone 101.

“In an ideal world the form should be used, however I appreciate sometimes things can be planned last minute,” said Det Supt Branston. “The form has been designed to make the process easier for both us and the public, while also freeing up our call handlers so they can deal with more urgent matters.”

Events that can be reported to police using the form include:

  • Recreational shooting;
  • Charity work;
  • Agency work;
  • Funerals;
  • Mental health assessments;
  • Prisoner transport;
  • Drone flying;
  • Training; and
  • Road closures.

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